Thursday, February 4, 2010

Bible Study

It never ceases to amaze me how energized I become when we start a new study. Tonight was the first meeting for our study "Having a Mary Spirit" and it was great. We have a wonderful group of ladies enrolled and always have room for more. But here is the amazing thing - I am the one who suggested this study and after the books were delivered started having second thoughts .... why would I do a study on the one part of scripture that I struggle with? The story of Mary and Martha is so well known, I mean here we have two ladies entertaining our Lord - and Martha is rushing around making sure everything is fit for a king (which He is) and Mary is sitting there listening to Jesus like she doesn't have a care in the world. For anyone who doesn't know me personally - I am sure you can guess which personality type I am. And what does Jesus do? He rebukes Martha for wanting a little bit of help! BUT - I am learning!!! And taking comfort in the fact the there is a time and place for each personality. Each one had their shortcomings and THAT is the essence of the study - whatever personality you are blessed with - we all need work. Not one of us has it all-together. Here is a quote from the book that pretty much says it all "I am so glad we have a Saviour who loves us just as we are, but loves us too much to leave us that way." Joanna Weaver

1 comment:

Holly C. said...

Yep-I know I need work.

My shortcomings are many and also hard to face!

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