Friday, June 10, 2011


I would like to discipline myself to be more attentive to my blog .... just not sure how to do that. I guess you just make the time!!! I wanted to share these pictures of how much the grandkids are growing and changing. They are so precious and I can't believe Maggy has already celebrated her first birthday :) We are once again experiencing a very busy month of June with graduations (4 nephews) and birthdays galore, throw in a couple of weddings, showers and several reunions and well you get the picture. Hubby who isn't a social nut is trying to hang in there until we get through all of these obligations.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Spring Has Sprung

Although I mention this way too often, time just seems to fly by ....... cannot believe this is the first day of spring - I am looking forward to nice weather that is for sure. Enjoyed the "supermoon" last night. Tried to take a picture but my camera isn't an after dark picture taker. But we are up to some fun stuff for sure at our house. I decided to plant an indoor herb garden so that we can enjoy the taste of fresh herbs year round. They have all sprouted (except the dill which takes longer and isn't known to be very successful indoors) and the next step is to pick up a piece of cut glass for the shelf from the local building supply store. I am going to mount the shelf in the window above my kitchen sink. They will get good sun and be an interesting conversation piece to add to the kitchen. Looking forward to being able to share them with friends and family :) Quick update on the family; little Maggy is starting to walk now. Max is a handful, but still the funniest 3 year old around and Raymond spent the afternoon shooting .22 with his Dad - wow is he growing up. Approximately 100 days until Adam & Salena will be moving home - yea!! Katie is preparing to do her internship this summer. Tyson is loving his new job and just bought himself a dirt bike (Momma doesn't like those things.) And Ray & Sara are SUPER busy caring for those 3 precious grandkids of mine ♥

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Max is 3

Remember when you were amazed at how fast time flew and your kids grew up almost overnight? Well time goes even faster with your grandchildren. It is unbelievable to me that my little buddy Max is 3 already. How can I possibly bottle up all the sweet innocence and special "silent" connection that we have when our eyes meet. How much longer will he snuggle and say, "You like me Mimi? - I like you" and how sweet when with all of his 3 year bravado he looks out for me and growls at anyone he thinks isn't being nice to Mimi, or might make the mistake of sitting in my chair lol. Watching his brother growing up I know that time is so precious and short where we will be special and of extreme importance in their lives - the time before friends. hobbies and even girls take our place. So I will treasure this time and use whatever influence I have to train them to be strong, God-fearing young men who are gentle and merciful and kind to others. Who know how to stand up for their beliefs and make a difference in the lives of those around them.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

My Blog Anniversary

Wow!!! It came to my attention today (because I took a trip down memory lane and read my posts) that I have officially been blogging for one year. After reading the posts from the last year I believe I am re energized and will devote more time and attention to this blog. What an amazing way to share our life memories. I think I will someday publish this for the kids and grandkids - to help them understand me better and hopefully feel my love for them through it. To my friends who are considering blogging or those of you who have recently started - don't be discouraged just write what you feel and about what you like, your hopes and dreams and plans for the future :) The photo I am sharing with this post, of me and my kids and grandkids (pre-Maggy) fits my theme perfect "Humor Me I'm Your Mother". And that is what they do, humor me and fill my life with joy unspeakable.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Winter Blues And The Hope of Spring

Here it is almost the end of January - will 2011 speed by as quickly as 2010? Seems to me like everyone I know has the "winter blues". Tired of the snow and the cold, still shell-shocked by the extra spending at Christmas and fighting the depressing things we hear on the news daily. I think everyone should take a breather and shut off the TV, internet and radio so we can refresh our minds with quiet. Take a snowcation, ask for an extra day off of work to relax and enjoy :)

Now the hope of spring - it will come as it always does. And with it the promise of new life and color and beauty!! I am ready to garden and camp and just be outdoors. We are already making plans with the grandkids for camping and adventure at Starberg. The picture is our cabin that we will be getting moved out there as soon as the weather permits. So between now and then we will continue to persevere and give thanks for our blessings - tomorrow we will celebrate Max's 3rd birthday (maybe the reason he was born in the middle of winter was to brighten it up) and Valentine's Day is just around the corner. I have just started a new bible study by Joanna Weaver and it is as amazing as the last one - puts my thinking into perspective and keeps me on track. Looking forward ..............

Monday, January 3, 2011

December - Where did you go?

How can it possibly be that December is gone? All of the preparations and planning and parties are over and we have swung into a new year. It is mind boggling! We had an amazing time over the holidays with family and friends. Of course, our beautiful grand kids bring so much magic to the season. Having Adam and Salena home is great, we may not see them much until they are ready to move home. Four years since Adam joined the Marines and it seems like only yesterday (not to him I'm sure) It is hard for me to believe that I didn't find the time to blog once in December :( But I have some pics to share from Christmas of those adorable grandchildren of mine.