Saturday, June 26, 2010

Ready to Camp

Well after an extremely busy start to summer, where we couldn't find 2 extra minutes for anything, we finally managed to get the camper to Starberg. The guys pulled it out there this morning and then hubby and I went out and did some cleaning and started getting it set up the way we want. It is not new and needs a few minor repairs and some TLC but we are really excited to have somewhere to get away from it all :) I look forward to spending time out there -it is so secluded and peaceful. I am getting ready for Creationfest this week so it may have to wait - but I will be home Saturday morning and may find time over the holiday weekend to spruce it up. I can't wait!!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Three Weeks Old

Miss Maggy was 3 weeks old on Thursday. Here is Aunt Katie holding her at Vacation Bible School. We had the privilege of watching her while Mommy went with Max to his class. Working in the kitchen all week gives me a new appreciation for cafeteria workers. But it also allowed us the freedom to keep our little baby doll. She is such a sweet baby. Doesn't cry unless she is hungry or has a tummy ache. She is more alert everyday; watching everyone and following voices. Her hair is getting lighter and she has the palest blue eyes. I have been trying to figure out who she looks like - actually I see both of her brothers and features from many family members so I believe she is going to look just like Maggy ♥

Back to Nature

Spending lots of time on the porch these days - we really are outdoors more than in. Which may be the biggest reason for my blog being neglected. I have been trying to catch some good pictures of nature in action, if there is one thing I am not, is a good photographer - but I am not hanging up my camera yet. The day I catch the hummingbirds, now that will be something. Anyways - I did manage to chase a butterfly around for this picture and when I loaded it on the computer, voila there was a bee too. I guess the answer is to keep shooting pics and surprise yourself :)

Early Harvest

We are well in to the garden season and exciting it has been so far. This photo shows some of our early harvest; first pick of peas (hubby is shucking them while I blog), turnips that grew very fast this spring, and some samples from the first batch of strawberry freezer jam. I was busy all week with Vacation Bible School so my Mom made the freezer jam for us :) I missed getting a picture of the early spinach before it was done - hopefully I am on the ball the rest of the summer. Looking forward to a banner crop this year !

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Porch House

This was one of my special birthday gifts - actually the one that made me cry. I am so thankful for my good friends Scott and Lori. They are so kind and generous with their time and talents. Scott made this lighted house for my porch and it fits in so well :) I have had so many compliments, everyone wants to know where I bought it (too bad for them). Glad to be back on my blog .... can anyone tell me where May went? And the first week of June? I have so much catching up to do - I hope to be able to get re-organized and return to normal this week. Right now our lives are so full of blessings we hardly have time to sleep. In the last 2 weeks we have experienced the following; 3 of our children and one daughter-in-law had birthdays, the birth of our new granddaughter, Memorial weekend guests, 2 weddings, a family reunion and the list goes on and on ........... one word that never comes out of my mouth - "bored" !!!!!!!!!