Tuesday, February 16, 2010

My Three Sons

Snips and snails and puppy dog tails .......... let me tell you what boys are really made of, perpetual motion! Even though they are grown men now, when I see them together it brings back all the memories of years gone by; of how every activity can be a competition and "tough guy" contest. Spending every waking moment possible outside building tree houses and cabins and playing games. Backyard football could be more intense than the Superbowl (without pads) Hunting and fishing until it was too dark to see. Tearing bikes and battery operated vehicles apart then reassembling them for more speed and power. And using their sister as a crash dummy or paintball gun target. Memories of broken bones, stitches and wounds galore!! I thank the Lord for these three young men who at times I thought would send me to an early grave with worry. Now here they are; a school teacher (Ray) a telephone lineman (Tyson) and a Marine (Adam) This picture of them setting up a canopy for a party was so funny - it became a tug-of-war and he-man tough-guy contest! Little boys really never do grow up ... and that's just the way I like it!


Holly C. said...

You've got three nice boys there, Sharon. ☺

Anonymous said...

Sharon, I'm not sure if this post gives me hope or perpetual worry. It surely is perpetual motion here at my house already. I can't imagine when M&M actually begins to walk/run & defend himself...let the games begin!~~Amanda D.

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