Saturday, January 23, 2010

My Grandparents

Wow - it is so hard to believe that they aren't here anymore. Do we ever stop missing them? Surely not. Grandpa left us in 1997, he had so many amazing qualities I hardly know where to start. What made an impression on me was how hard he worked - at his job and on the farm. There were just things that you knew about him and they were not going to change; like what a devoted family man he was- family needs came first, that when you sat at their dinner table you were going to leave full. He knew hunger and no one, family or other, would leave the table without a full tummy. The way he handled his money. His ability to be content in his circumstances. His faith was something - nothing kept him from church. I remember him kneeling in prayer at his bedside at night. An amazing testimony to all. The greatest impression he left on me was the dignity he showed during the ultimate grief, the loss of a child- his youngest son Dick. Sure he cried, and I know how he mourned (usually alone in the barn) but he bore that grief and never let it alter his faith or love for those of us left. The greatest story I ever heard about him was from my Great-aunt Sarah Knight, she said during the lean years following the depression, being the oldest of eleven children, Grandpa would wait at mealtime until each one of his brothers and sisters had their food before he would eat to make sure there was enough to go around. Wonderful memories of Grandpa - Oh and I don't want to forget these words, "goodnight Sherry and don't forget to say your prayers."

We had Grandma for almost another ten years after Grandpa passed. And memories just rush through my mind like a kaleidoscope. How full of life Grandma was - the family joke was "if there is a car going by and they stop for just a moment Grandma will hop in" she loved to travel and try new things. Grandma had the same work ethic and convictions as Grandpa had, but when I think memories of Grandma, they almost always include cooking. I will never have a homemade noodle that compares. And oh how she could bake!! Cookies, buns, my wedding cake - along with most of the other Grand kids. There are two family cookbooks dedicated to her memory, I think that says it all. I believe the most amazing quality Grandma demonstrated to me was her ability to make any person feel special and loved. She always had a smile, hug, word of advice - whatever it might be that you needed - it was available. She cooked and baked for all of us and could throw the most amazing meals together when unexpected company would come - almost effortlessly!! I was blessed to be able to spend a good deal of time with her during the last years of her life and will always be thankful for the lessons learned - she was one of those people who went through life full steam ahead and was always willing to try something new, oh how I yearn to walk in her shoes.

1 comment:

Holly C. said...

Thanks for sharing, Sharon.

My grandparents are no longer on this earth either, but they will always hold a special place in my heart!

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