Monday, January 25, 2010

Memories of Summer

I can't think of anything better to do on a dreary Monday, with the bad weather and I have some weird kind of flu bug, than to think of fond memories from last summer. I called it "Back to Nature" year we had some amazing experiences; had a honey bee swarm move into the crab apple tree only 10 feet from back porch. Raymond and I followed a nest of robins from the day the momma robin laid those pretty blue eggs through the day they flew the coop :) Had a beautiful butterfly who visited my hanging basket daily. We had every type of wild critter on the porch and managed to catch a couple with the camera. Wonderful time in the garden - it is so much fun grabbing something from the freezer or can cupboard that was created in our own back yard. It was also the summer we got our pool (my kids think the grandkids are terribly spoiled) and no one had more fun than hubby and Raymond.


Holly C. said...

Coons and skunks and bees, oh my!!!

I followed a few sets of baby robins too and I absolutely loved it. They built on our balcony and I a wonderful view (wish I would have had my digital camera back then). Larry won't admit to it but I think he got rid of the nest, so they wouldn't come back. I saw red when I saw the nest was gone (not while there were babies in it), but still, I loved seeing them grow and leaving the nest!

You and Ray are the queen and king putting up food!

I didn't know you got a pool. I'll bet your kids ask why you never got one when they were little!

Sharon said...

There were also possums and who knows what else out there. It was an amazing experience watching the bee keeper capture the hive. It was very hard to get good pictures of the robins because I had to lean over the deck rail and try to sneak up on them. It was fun to watch them fly away. I am so looking forward to summer - NOT looking forward to all the work in the garden :) And you were right the kids said "hey we never had a pool!" but it was used and we got a great deal on it, so we couldn't pass it up.

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