Saturday, January 16, 2010

Grandsons- Oh My!

What can be said about grand kids. It is something that cannot be described, like someone who has never tasted ice cream, you have to personally experience to comprehend the wonder. Joy is the word that always comes to mind when I think of Ray and Max. When I drop Ray's snacks off at kindergarten and I see his eyes light up when he notices me, or they pull in the driveway and as soon as the door is open we can hear Max, "Mimi, Mimi, Mimi, MIMI" and he just gets louder until I get to the door. I have often wondered why your own children don't love you like this - it is what makes the grandparent-child relationship so special. To anyone out there who isn't a grandparent, don't feel bad or old when the time comes - they are the "joie de vivre". I pray constantly for their safety and that they have a desire for God above all else.


Holly C. said...

Awwwww! What blessings.☺

~ The Jolly Bee ~ said...

That's very sweet. I'm sure they bring you lots of joy. I'm a ways off from experiencing this joy -- my kids are teenagers. I have to survive these years first!

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