Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Mother's Day

Wow!! Can't believe another Mother's Day has come and gone. 2010 is moving quickly. I feel like I have been neglecting my blog, been busy working in the yard and garden (pics will follow soon), hubby is traveling for work so that leaves me with MUCH responsibility around the house, and have been a little out of sorts the last few days - trying to understand why there is so much meanness in the world, life is hard and so very precious and yet some people seem to find satisfaction bringing others down?!?!? Enough said!

BUT on a much lighter note - I had an amazing Mother's Day weekend. If Adam and Salena could have been home it would have been perfect.
On Friday evening I went to Scott and Lori's to see Amber off to the Prom. On Saturday Katie and I went to a Mother's Tea at our church and it was great. Good food, friends, an amazing speaker (thanks Carol), perfect music (awesome Lori) it was so inspiring and uplifting. Then on Sunday my whole family went out to eat after church (the photo collage) there were 25 of us. Adam and Salena were in North Carolina and Kyle was in Hawaii (darn the Marine Corps) but they serve our great country and thus we sacrifice. After lunch we went to see Grandma Minnie and my mother-in-law to share cards and gifts. In the evening Scott and Lori and Erin came to visit and deliver an early birthday present (another pic to follow soon). I am so humbled by their friendship and how giving they are. The perfect weekend continued right into Monday (my birthday) and I must say I am absolutely overwhelmed by the love and kindnesses from my family and friends - way too many to mention them all.

And that really says it all - so many blessings and good people in my life - how great is our God;

Now all glory to God, who is able, through His mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think. Ephesians 3:20

1 comment:

Holly C. said...

Yep-so much evil in this world-but it's outweighed by the good for sure!

Glad you had a nice Mother's Day.

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